Saturday, 1st of May, 2021. I started off the day feeling down and not very cheerful. I had had my second Covid jag and was suffering a reaction. Don’t mistake me, I was delighted to have got my second jag but as I had not had any adverse symptoms after the first one I was not prepared for the noticeable effects of the second.
However, Saturday, 1st of May was the day the YESPollok group were holding the first public event since lockdown last year and I was going come what may. In common with other YES groups we had decided to hold a Banner and Flag day on a local flyover with a wide pedestrian pavement at the side. It was our first one ever and we were all looking forward to it. I trudged up the road to the flyover feeling pretty weary.
We were nicely socially distanced and got our flags and banners out. It was a lovely sunny day with just enough wind to keep the flags fluttering overhead. We stood for an hour enjoying the sunshine and the personal contact of campaigning again.
The Polis came and inspected us and decided we were doing fine.
The response from the passing traffic was tremendous. There were constant hoots of support from the cars, vans, and lorries passing underneath the flyover. There were hoots and shouts of support from motorists passing us on the flyover. (To be entirely honest we also got one two finger salute and one shout of “Get tae **** ya wankers.” from two of the hundreds of vehicles that went past us.) A young man passed us on foot with a great big backpack and all the accoutrements for a camping weekend. He asked us if we had a spare flag and was delighted with the big YES flag Linsey gave him.
At the end of the hour we had agreed with the Polis we packed up and left, some to continue campaigning for their chosen political party.
I started the day feeling down but felt so good at the end of it that I could have danced home.
On a different topic, I am in mourning for the big billboards at the junction of Mosspark Drive and Paisley Road West as I grew up with them as well as the old Labour Rooms that occupied that site ever since I can remember. On Thursday morning I witnessed the demolition of the billboards, making way for what my Councillor, Alex Wilson, told me was a care facility for young people with special needs. I will be watching that space carefully.
Yes Pollok member – Sandra